jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021


Hi everyone, today I´m going to talk about why I´ve always been interested in visiting Mexico.

 First of all, I like the way the people of Mexico relate to death. In this country when someone dies, the funeral far from being sad and dark, is a party full of colorful skulls, flowers, lights and embroidered cloaks. The souls of those who left physical life receive visits, offerings and gifts for two and a half days that try to link them with the life they left behind. People take to the grave the favourite things of the dead, and share his/him favourite food and music. I´ve seen Mexican cementeries in pictures, and I think they are one of the most beautiful in the planet. I hope that some day I can visit these places that are closer to the vision I have about death. 

For another hand, I would like to visit this country because of their food. I love burritos and the spicy condiments, I always prepare them at home in my own way, but eating them in their original country must be an epic experience. Also, one of my favourite drinks is tequila and is my dream drink a tequila shot in Mexico. 

There are much more reasons of why I would like to visit Mexico, but I going to tell you next time. 

See you later! 


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