jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021

POST 7: Changes to my Study Program

 Hi everyone, today I`m going to talk about some changes that could be made to my career`s study program. 

First of all, I would like the film career to be separated from journalism. Although I think that cinema is also part of communication, there are many subjects that are much more focused on journalism and do not contribute as much to the learning of my career. I think there are many subjects left over. Instead of these, I would implement more specialization electives, which are very necessary in my career, because generally they teach you a bit of everything but sometimes you need to learn more specific knowledge according to the area that interests you. 

A model that seems more intelligent to me to study film is the Argentine, who instead of having a general film career that lasts five years, they have specific careers by area that last three years. I think that in Chile almost all careers are longer than they should and many times they are filled with unnecessary subjects. 

Regarding the faculty facilities, I think there are good conditions, but unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we haven`t been able to take much advantage of them. The same has happened with the use of equipment, because due to online classes, for a year and a half we couldn`t access the cameras and sound equipment that the university used to offer. That is something that I would definitely have changed, despite the pandemic. I think that having online classes doesn`t mean that the university can deprive us the access to the necessary materials.

Finally, regarding the teaching methods I don`t have so many criticisms. It seems good to me that there is constant practice. What I find most interesting about the teaching method is that the classes are based on conversation and interaction between students, which makes us generate knowledge from ourselves and not only from teachers.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2021

POST 6: Time Travel to the Future

When I think about the future, in less than 20 years, I honestly imagine a dystopia. I see a difficult world to cope with, where resources will be increasingly limited, and we will have to survive drought, global warming, deforestation of forests, the extinction of various animals, progressive pollution of the sea and air, and many other environmental tragedies.

However, I believe that despite the fact that the planet is already irreparably damaged, I would
like to think about a more pleasant future, the product of a change in individual and collective consciousness. Above all, I would like the big industries to realize the damage they generate
to the planet and take action to avoid continuing to pollute as they do today.

For this reason, more than a future, I hope that in the present we do not take he environmental problem in which we are involved lightly and that we are able to take concrete actions that contribute to the sustainability of this world.

I want a future that gives us a dignified life, that we do not have to face such a hostile reality. I believe in a world where human rights are respected. That no one suffers any type of discrimination based on their gender, sexual orientation, class, race, nationality, age, etc. I believe in feminism as a tool for changing human relationships, which not only makes gender inequality visible, that also can be able of denouncing all kinds of unequal relationships.

If the present changes, the future will change. This is the only way I would like to live in the future.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2021

POST 5: My future job

Hi everyone, today I´m going to talk about my future job. 

First of all, I want to say that, despite studying cinema, I like a lot of areas and I see myself working on many things taking the opportunities that come in my way. Nevertheless, I will always prefer a job that allows me to use my creativity and create with other people. Also, I´ve never imagined myself working all day in an office, in front a computer, without the possibility of moving. Of course I would like to have a job that allows me to travel and get new experiences. But mainly, I like jobs that give space to creativity and movement. 

In any case, I think that making films is a job that brings together all these characteristics that I look for in a job and that's why I´m studying this career. I am interested in many things in film, but the ones I like the most for now are Direction, Photo direction and Art direction.  I think they are areas that combine very well with each other and that I really liked learning together. In these areas I would like to work in any type of video: films, video clips, institutional videos, etc. I enjoy creative work wherever it comes from. 
Another thing that I really like is singing and writing song, This is something that has always accompanied me and although I don't necessarily see this as a job, it is something that I would still like to do and develop in my life.

POST 4: My favorite TV show

 When I was a child, I used to watch a lot of TV shows after school. Now, I turn on the TV only to watch the news. Nevertheless, there are two TV shows that I watch occasionally and make me laugh a lot. Probably, those are not my lifelong favorites, but they are the ones that I really watch and enjoy at this moment. The two have in common that they are animations, and, generally, both programs are a criticism of American society, through humor, irony and the absurd. 

The first one is "The Simpsons". As all of you know, "The Simpsons" is an American humor show, creating by Matt Groeging for Fox, and  issued in a lot of countries around the world. The serie is a satire of American society that narrates daily life of a middle-class family from that country (whose members are Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson) who live in a fictional town called Springfield. the first chapter aired in 1989 and, since this year until now, it is a classic. I like "The Simpsons" because it is a program that you can enjoy at any age and it will always make you laugh. The script is simple, but it will always surprise us with new situations and hides a lot of intelligence in itself. Also, the characters are so well constructed that today everyone knows them, loves them and identifies with them, in one way or another.

The second one is "South Park". Despite having the appearance of being a children's program, it isn´t. "South Park" is acid and explicit, to the point where it becomes awkward and absurd, which makes this show a genius. When I was a child, I hated the show for the same reason, but growing up I gave it a second chance and understood everything. The proposal of the program is very funny, because the characters seem to be drawn with Paint and, at the same, go through very complex situations. The script moves very fast, it leads from one thing to the other, which keeps me always interested to what is going to happen and makes me laugh a lot. 

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021

POST 3: A person I would like to meet

 Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about a person I would like to meet. This was a difficult question to answer, because I have many idols and people that I wonder how it will be in person. But, thiking it well, there is definitely a person that I always wanted to meet, and she is Bjork. 

As many of you know, Bjork is a singer, composer, multinstrumentalist, actress, and producer known all over the world. When I was a child, my father had a dvd with all her videos. I remember that I was very obsessed with that and played over and over again. I was fascinated by the magical worlds of all her videos, full of madness and fantasy. Bjork's music and art has surprised me and enchanted me until this day. I feel that she is a supernatural character and that she is not part of this world, as if she were an alien. For the same reason, I would like to meet her and know what she is really like in person. If I did not meet her in person, I would at least like to go to a concert of her. The last time she was in Chile was in 2012, when I was still little to buy a ticket. Now, surely, if she came, I wouldn't think twice about buying a ticket to go see her.

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021


 Hello, today I´m going to talk about two songs that bring me unforgettable memories. 

The first one is "La Infancia"- Violeta Parra. This song  transports me to my first year of basic education, when I was 7 years old. I think it was the first song I learned to sing with a choir and, at the same time, it was the first song I heard from Violeta Parra. It was a magical experience because there I discovered that I love to sing and this song followed me my whole life like many songs by Violeta. Another reason why this moment was very special to me is that Polo taught us the song, and then he became a teacher who taught me to sing throughout my entire schooling and he is a person that I appreciate a lot. 

The second one is "Eco"-Jorge Drexler. It doesn´t bring me a specific memory. I just love this song because is the first one that sounds in the album and it gives the name to the whole project too. I knew the record because my mom had it, so it sounded at home, in the car, then on my headphones. I can't explain the emotion I feel when this song sounds, I always enjoy it as if it were the first time listening to it. I guess this album in general made me appreciate the lyrics of the songs and I think Eco is particularly beautiful, because everything about it removes me deeply. 

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021


Hi everyone, today I´m going to talk about why I´ve always been interested in visiting Mexico.

 First of all, I like the way the people of Mexico relate to death. In this country when someone dies, the funeral far from being sad and dark, is a party full of colorful skulls, flowers, lights and embroidered cloaks. The souls of those who left physical life receive visits, offerings and gifts for two and a half days that try to link them with the life they left behind. People take to the grave the favourite things of the dead, and share his/him favourite food and music. I´ve seen Mexican cementeries in pictures, and I think they are one of the most beautiful in the planet. I hope that some day I can visit these places that are closer to the vision I have about death. 

For another hand, I would like to visit this country because of their food. I love burritos and the spicy condiments, I always prepare them at home in my own way, but eating them in their original country must be an epic experience. Also, one of my favourite drinks is tequila and is my dream drink a tequila shot in Mexico. 

There are much more reasons of why I would like to visit Mexico, but I going to tell you next time. 

See you later! 
